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Authorization for federal spending through the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) expires on September 30, 2021. While such “highway bills” typically last five years due to the long-term nature of infrastructure work, the latest reauthorization was a one-year extension included as part of an appropriations package.REF
The failure of the 116th Congress to pass a full highway bill was driven by a sharp divergence in the approaches of the House and Senate authorizing committees. The Senate’s highway bill was a bipartisan document with a mixture of flaws and improvements relative to the status quo.REF In contrast, the House put forward an ideologically driven and wildly impractical package that included highway spending, massive increases for Amtrak and other mass transit, and federal meddling in local concerns, such as drinking-water safety and school construction.REF The two chambers made little effort to bridge this policy divide during the election year and settled on punting the highway bill into the next session.