Let's rewind a bit: Summer 2020. Most restaurants were open, but not open. You could get carry-out/drive-thru, but couldn't sit and have a meal. Fast forward to today and, almost every local restaurant is struggling, not with COVID restrictions, but with hiring enough folks to keep doors open. But the big fast-food giants? Didn't they seem immune? Well, they aren't, and they're again closing their doors and sending everyone through the drive-through.
Long waits for "fast-food"
Having a lack of staffing causes numerous issues, mainly the time it takes to serve customers. KCRG reports drive-thru customers at the Hiawatha Dairy Queen experienced a 20-minute wait for orders due to staffing issues. Furthermore, many area fast-food restaurants, like area Wendy's and Taco Bell locations have had to close dining areas due to, you guessed it, not having enough staff to take orders inside