International Women's Day takes place on 8 March
Celebrating together while apart has become very important in the last year. While we cannot attend physical events for International Women’s Day 2021, here are some virtual options being hosted as part of the annual movement.
National Women’s Council (NWC)
The National Women’s Council is hosting a Zoom event entitled
Women Doing Politics Differently at 11am on Thursday 4 March.
In 2020, the NWC examined the representation of women at local government and those findings will be released and discussed during this year’s webinar. The National Women’s Council has found that women are still underrepresented in local government, making up just 25% of all councillors. Speakers at the event will include Claire McGing (gender and politics researcher), Peter Burke (Minister of State for Local Government and Planning) and Perry Artitua (executive director, Women’s Democracy Network Uganda Chapter).