HENRY V: live online – Guildford Shakespeare Company | Review
April 24, 2021 Last updated:
April 24, 2021
This production of
Henry V is the eighth of Guildford Shakespeare Company’s (GSC) Zoom shows. I am watching on St. Georges’ Day, Shakespeare’s birthday, normally a day to be out enjoying a sonnet walk. Well, hopefully, next year.
Caroline Devlin directs this online version, with sound design by Matt Eaton, digital design by Beth Mann, costume design by Anett Black and Philip d’Orleans as Fight Director. I have purposefully mentioned the artistic team first as they have done such a fantastic job. The production is cleverly designed, boxes of costumes and props were delivered to each actor’s home in advance of the production. The five actors then perform in their spare rooms, which have been transformed into green screen studios. I cannot begin to imagine how you would choreograph a fight between characters in completely different locations!