Mar 4, 2021
Hi everyone. First, I want to say that I love and thank all of you for your continued support and friendship. I never dreamed I would be in this situation just a few years ago and your ongoing love and support during this challenging time has meant more to me that I could ever express. As many of you know, I have had serious health complications and challenges for about four years.
In the last four years I have had 16 brain surgeries accompanied by several other surgeries. I have experienced headache related symptoms since the age of five but had no idea that those symptoms were caused by a much larger problem. In 2012 I had my first brain surgery to fix the fact that I had a second hearing canal that never developed a protective covering. Although I felt much improvement after the surgery, my headaches were never resolved. I learned to live with the pain and went about living, however these symptoms intensified greatly in my mid to late twenties.