Hearthstone Core set: What's in and what's out for 2022

The Year of the Hydra is about to begin and with it comes a new Core set for Hearthstone. Here are all of the cards it will contain.

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Baine Bloodhoof , Redgill Razorjaw , King Krush , King Mukla , Lakkari Felhound , Murloc Tidecaller , Coldarra Drake Dragon , Tess Greymane , Ganarg Glaivesmith , Grommash Hellscream , Taelan Fordring , Darius Crowley , Finley Mrrgglton , Ashtongue Battlelord , Ozzie Mejia , Murloc Scout , Brann Bronzebeard , Fandral Staghelm , Baron Rivendare , Savannah Highmane , Bloodmage Thalnos , Senjin Shieldmasta , Vanessa Vancleef , Houndmaster Shaw , Aldrachi Warblades , Cairne Bloodhoof , Murloc Warleader , Reno Jackson , Elise Starseeker , Wrathscale Naga , Murloc Tinyfin , Stranglethorn Tiger , Wolf Alpha , Korvas Bloodthorn , Tirion Fordring , Draenei Totemcarver , Nature , Activision , Hearthstone Core , Hearthstone Standard , Core Demon Hunter , Kor Vas Bloodthorn , Hero Power , Eye Beam , Sightless Watcher , Raging Felscreamer , Illidari Inquisitor , Crimson Sigil Runner , Chaos Strike , Spectral Sight , Coordinated Strike , Gan Arg Glaivesmith , Chaos Nova , Demon Hunter , Core Druid , Choose One , Earthen Scales , Living Roots , Feral Rage , Mounted Raptor , Wild Growth , Enchanted Raven , Nordrassil Druid , Menagerie Warden , Score Hunter , Snake Trap , Arcane Shot , Selective Breeder , Explosive Trap , Freezing Trap , Quick Shot , Animal Companion , Cloaked Huntress , Deadly Shot , Dire Frenzy , Marked Shot , Scavenging Hyena , Core Mage , Spell Damage , Babbling Book , Explosive Runes , Shooting Star , Snap Freeze , Arcane Intellect , Ice Barrier , Ethereal Conjurer , Fallen Hero , Mirror Entity , Water Elemental , Coldarra Drake , Core Paladin , Aldor Peacekeeper , Noble Sacrifice , Righteous Protector , Argent Protector , Bronze Explorer , Warhorse Trainer , Silver Hand Recruits , Truesilver Champion , Amber Watcher , Stand Against Darkness , Holy Light , Core Priest , Shadow Word , Focused Will , Kul Tiran Chaplain , Drakonid Operative , Flash Heal , Holy Smite , Northshire Cleric , Psychic Conjurer , Shadowed Spirit , Holy Nova , Power Infusion , Crimson Clergy , Temple Enforcer , Natalie Seline , Core Rogue , Sinister Strike , Deadly Poison , Cold Blood , Plague Scientist , Hench Clan Burglar , Tomb Pillager , Bladed Cultist , Patient Assassin , Core Shaman , Divine Shield , Far Sight , Maelstrom Portal , Feral Spirit , Lightning Storm , Mana Tide Totem , Lightning Bolt , Novice Zapper , Flametongue Totem , Menacing Nimbus , Rockbiter Weapon , Tidal Surge , Fire Elemental , Unbound Elemental , Earth Elemental , Core Warlock , High Priestess Jeklik , Lord Jaraxxus , Hero Card , Felsoul Jailer , Twisting Nether , Darkshire Librarian , Tiny Knight , Void Terror , Siphon Soul , Flame Imp , Mortal Coil , Drain Soul , Fiendish Circle , Imp Gang Boss , Abyssal Enforcer , Possessed Villager , Dread Infernal , Enslaved Fel Lord , Core Warrior , Shield Slam , Frothing Berserker , Bloodsail Deckhand , Cruel Taskmaster , Fiery War Axe , Shield Block , Bloodhoof Brave , Warsong Commander , War Cache , Warsong Outrider , Sir Finley Mrrgglton , Golden Monkey , Overlord Runthak , Baron Geddon , Southsea Captain , Vulpera Scoundrel , Big Game Hunter , Escaped Manasaber , Faceless Manipulator , Mossy Horror , Primordial Drake , Sea Giant , Acidic Swamp Ooze , Crazed Alchemist , Fogsail Freebooter , Nerubian Egg , Wild Pyromancer , Coldlight Seer , Humongous Razorleaf , Lone Champion , Twilight Drake , Violet Teacher , Azure Drake , Gadgetzan Auctioneer , Arcane Devourer , Abusive Sergeant , Beaming Sidekick , Elven Archer , Emerald Skytalon , Voodoo Doctor , Worgen Infiltrator , Bloodsail Raider , Again Attack , Dire Wolf Alpha , Explosive Sheep , Faerie Dragon , Injured Tol Vir , Kobold Geomancer , Loot Hoarder , Mad Bomber , Plated Beetle , Sunreaver Spy , Youthful Brewmaster , Ironbeak Owl , Jungle Panther , Raid Leader , Tar Creeper , Chillwind Yeti , Dark Iron Dwarf , Grim Necromancer , Sen Jin Shieldmasta , Cobalt Scalebane , Stormwind Champion , Sleepy Dragon , Arcane Anomaly , Argent Squire , Young Priestess , River Crocolisk , Earthen Ring Farseer , Flesheating Ghoul , Ice Rager , Injured Blademaster , Spider Tank , Stoneskin Basilisk , Gurubashi Berserker , High Inquisitor Whitemane , Barrens Stablehand , Clockwork Giant , Sunken City , Guitar Hero ,

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