Story Carla Bernardo.
Read time 7 min.
The Faculty of Health Sciences’ leadership team, from left to right: Prof Ambroise Wonkam (deputy dean: research), Dr Kerrin Begg (deputy dean: undergraduate education), Dr Tracey Naledi (deputy dean: health sciences), Assoc Prof Lionel Green-Thompson (dean), Prof Elelwani Ramugondo (deputy dean: postgraduate education) and Nave Naidoo (director: faculty operations).
The deanery of the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Cape Town (UCT) is growing into a cohesive unit that is committed to serving the faculty in the spirit of social accountability.
Associate Professor Lionel Green-Thompson, the dean of the faculty, leads a diverse team that celebrates both long service and new blood, all united in building a faculty of excellence and transformation.