At the recent Wayne City School Board meeting, Tabitha Borah was hired as a full-time elementary teacher for next year. Adria Marlett was hired as a full-time paraprofessional. The board also accepted the resignation of Mrs. Martin as second grade teacher at the end of the current year. The board is also moving forward with plans to name the big gym after Conrad Allen and is discussing details with the family. The name will be displayed on the red wall by the entry of the gym. Illinois State Police Division of Criminal Investigation Zone 7 officials report the arrest of a Golconda, IL man on Thursday. 20 year old Jacob L. Lemon was arrested on charges of Obstructing Justice, a class 4 felony in an ongoing August 2021 Possession of Child Pornography investigation. Lemon was held in the Saline County Jail and released on $25,000 bond. Sparklight, along with the other Cable One family of brands, has announced it will open spring applications for the company's Charitable Giving Fund, which annually awards over $200,000 in grants to nonprofit organizations, from April 1st through 30th. According to a news release from the company, the grants will be available to communities served by Sparklight and the other Cable One family of brands. More information is available online at 26-year-old Brody I. Murbarger appeared in Wayne County Circuit Court Friday with his attorney Christian J. Baril, who filed a motion to continue the trial in the case from May 2nd to September 19th at 9 a.m. A final conference was set for September 13th at 9 a.m. The defense also made a motion last month for a change of venue, which was continued, and a hearing on that matter is set for April 26th at 9 a.m. The Hermitage Masonic Lodge #356 in Albion is accepting applications for the Floyd and Mary Beuchat Scholarship, Dr. Paul and Molly Nierenrug Scholarship and the Leonard Stoecker Memorial Scholarship. Applications can be picked up at the Edwards County K-12 Guidance Counselor's office or by calling (618) 445-7543. The deadline is April 15th. Area river stages as of this morning: Little Wabash River east of Fairfield is at 21.58 feet. Flood stage is 17 feet. At Clay City the stage is 8.07 feet. Flood stage is 18 feet. At Carmi the stage is 23.62 feet. Flood stage is 27 feet. The Skillet Fork at Wayne City is at 5.61 feet. Flood stage is 15 feet. The Wabash River at Mt. Carmel is at 16.17 feet. Flood stage is 19 feet. At the WFIW/WOKZ studios .45 inches of rain was measured from Friday through early Saturday morning.