Head Start resumes in-person classes
Head Start Resumes 03/04/2021
and last updated 2021-03-04 20:48:30-05
Students at Head Start programs in Lafayette are returning to in-person classes this week.
The facility on East Willow Street, PRIME TIME Head Start, reopened on Thursday.
Full classroom activities are starting up again, and the staff decided to kick things off with a celebration of Dr. Seuss.
"At PRIME TIME, we always want to make sure our little ones get as much exposure and opportunities to the world as possible," explained Patricia Jackson and Stalanda Butcher. "Doing this in celebration of Dr. Seuss is a wonderful way for us to do this. To get them started having a joy for learning, also a love for reading. Dr. Seuss' books are a great way to do that at an early age."