What's This Wednesday Clue, Cori Skall
JStew: I thought I had this in the bag, until Cori sent me the reveal last night. And then I kinda gave myself the 'I-coulda-had-a-V8' smack upside the head, hahaha. But hey, I can't be a super genius all the time, right? Sometimes you gotta remind the little people that you're just like they are. Hahahaha. Don't worry, in reality, I'm dumb as a fence post. But you probably knew that.
Cori: Truth be told, I had no idea what to take a picture of this week. I was looking for inspiration, but just not finding anything I thought would be interesting enough. So I was sitting in my van, having just picked my kids up from school. I mentioned I was out of ideas for the What's This Wednesday clue, when from the back seat, my son piped up.