Happy Howlidays: Shepherd University hosts community dog parade
By Tabitha Johnston - Chronicle Staff | Dec 18, 2020
The Howliday Dog Parade winners stand together in front of Erma Ora Byrd Hall on Saturday. From left, third place winner Charles Town Middle School student Lillian Angel with two-year-old German Shepherd "Santa's Reindeer" Xadyn, first place winner Shepherd University Provost Scott Beard with 10-year-old pug "Santa's Reindeer" Murphy and second place winner Erin Short, of Sharpsburg, stands with 10-year-old Golden Retriever rescue "Present" Henry. Tabitha Johnston
SHEPHERDSTOWN — Dogs in Christmas-themed costumes stood six-feet-apart with their owners on the sidewalk along North King Street on Saturday morning, to participate in Shepherd University’s first annual Howliday Dog Parade.