Hand-signed items by Prime Minister Netanyahu, David Ben-Gurion and famous artists to be auctioned online
Unique Judaica and Israeli artifacts auctioned to support the Israel Allies Foundation.
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(December 21, 2020, JNS Wire) The Covid-19 pandemic has necessitated more creative forms of fundraising, leading to new initiatives such Curio Auctions, which creates customized online auctions for nonprofits featuring unique items which represent the mission of the organization. The Israel Allies Foundation (IAF) has teamed up with Curio to auction off items with a Biblical and Zionist appeal in honor of the holiday season. Items range in starting bids from $180 for a 20th century Maccabees themed menorah to $12,000 for a portfolio of 12 etchings of King Solomon’s Song of Songs hand-signed by Spanish artist Salvador Dali. Interested bidders submit their bid online (https://www.curioauctions.com/israelallies) and are notified by email if they have been outbid, while being given the chance to increase their bid until the auction concludes. The bidding process will conclude on December 23rd, after which the winning bidder is notified and those who bid unsuccessfully are offered similar items for purchase.