Could past research into insulin help kick the world's coronavirus inoculation drive into higher gear? An Israeli company that has...
Israel’s Penal Law of 1977 contains a provision to extend Israeli criminal justice, under certain circumstances, to offenses committed abroad. This includes antisemitic attacks against “the life, body, health, freedom or property of a Jew, as a Jew, or the property of a Jewish institution, because it is such.”
The obstacles in the way of securing Traore’s eventual extradition to Israel would appear to be insurmountable. France has a strict policy against extraditing its own citizens for trial abroad, as US prosecutors know all too well from the 1977 sexual abuse case involving film director Roman Polanski. More recently, in July 2020, a court in New York refused bail to Ghislaine Maxwell, a party to the Jeffrey Epstein sex trafficking scandal, out of concern that her French citizenship would enable her to abscond to France, where she would remain as a fugitive from US justice.