Hagedorn vote undermines democracy
From: Winona County DFL Executive
Board members Caitlin Nicholson, Jacob Grippen, Chris Phan, Jean Dowd, Jeremy Beck, Michael Bowler, Dick Dahl, Janel Dean, Jack Krage, Collette Leonhardt, Rill Reuter, Paul Schumacher, Joe Schlichmeyer, Pat Schlichmeyer, and Karin Worthley
The Winona County Democratic-Farmer-Labor Executive Committee condemns Rep. Jim Hagedorn’s dangerous and anti-democratic vote to overturn the legally submitted Electoral College votes from Arizona and Pennsylvania, as well as his claims calling into question the integrity and the constitutionality of the 2020 presidential election.
All slates of electors submitted by the states on January 6 had been certified by their respective Republican and Democratic secretaries of state and governors.