Eric Burnley
May 15, 2021
Levi Layfield caught this 48-inch black drum, which is pretty remarkable considering he is only 56 inches tall and 9 years old. He released the fish to grow even larger. SUBMITTED PHOTO
The May 8 gun rally in Dover was attended by 1,000 people, and from the photos I saw, it looked like they were all well behaved. How much this will affect the outcome of the two Senate bills now before the House? I don’t know, but if the vote goes along party lines, both will pass.
I understand that those who represent Wilmington and New Castle County want to stop the senseless shooting that happens almost every day up there, but neither of these bills will accomplish anything toward that end. Do they really believe that some kid who thinks he has been insulted on social media is going to stop by his local gun store, fill out a background check, go to a class on how to handle a pistol, pay all the associated fees and wait for all the paperwork to come back before he goes off and shoots the person he believes insulted him? Come on; nobody is that stupid.