Bryan County News
Guest column: Tax relief passes
By State Rep. Ron Stephens.
Your Georgia General Assembly has more than crossed the halfway point of the 2021 legislative session. By the end of the week, we completed legislative day 27 and are moving closer to the end point of the 40-day session which will be targeted for the end of March.
Of special note is us Republicans looking for ways to return taxes to the taxpayers or spur economic activity and job creation. We passed House Bill 593, known as the Tax Relief Act of 2021. This bill is simple as it increases the standard deduction for taxpayers that are single and heads of household from $4,600 to $5,400, taxpayers that are married and filing a joint return from $6,000 to $7,100, and taxpayers that are married and filing individual returns from $3,000 to $3,550, beginning tax year 2022.