Saturday, December 19, 2020
Grotto Pizza has purchased the iconic Dolle’s property at the corner of Rehoboth Avenue and the Boardwalk.
Grotto Pizza currently owns the Boardwalk property north of Dolle’s that stretches to Baltimore Avenue. Dominick Pulieri, Grotto Pizza founder, said in a press release that he was excited to be able to acquire this property.
“Grotto Pizza has not yet developed specific plans for the property,” he said.
However, he said he plans to relocate the North Boardwalk restaurant one block south to the corner of Rehoboth Avenue.
“Looking through the lens of Grotto Pizza commercial development and expansion, we felt this once-in-a-lifetime real estate opportunity was extremely important to the organization,” said Jeff Gosnear, vice president of Grotto Pizza. “The Dolle’s building is truly one of the most desirable properties in Delmarva, and our team is looking forward to reconfiguring and outfitting the space to include a brand-new Grotto Pizza.”