Grizzly Discoveries Inc.: Grizzly Undertakes Geophysical Survey at Its Robocop Cobalt-Copper Property in Southeastern British Columbia, Canada
0.146% Co,
5 m in sediment-hosted sulphide mineralization within middle Proterozoic Purcell Group rocks (Thomson, 1990).
A total of 15 drill holes in the area between 1990 and 2008 have yielded several intersections of near surface Co-Cu-Ag mineralization with grades of up to
0.134% Co,
1.23 m core length in hole R-1990-5 and
0.14% Co,
3.1 m core length in hole R-1990-6 (Thomson, 1990), along with an intersection of
0.18% Co, 0.28% Cu, 4.1 g/t Ag over
1 m core length in hole R-2008-02 (Pighin, 2009).
All but one of the historical drillholes tested a single target in an area about 500 m by 350 m. The Property is approximately 10 km in length and 3.5 km in width and contains at least 4 untested anomalous soil +/- rock geochemical targets (see figure below).