Angel Has Fallen, the first outing between the director and franchise star Butler, the two men turned a borderline superhero into a three-dimensional – or at least a two-and-a-half dimensional – human being. It should come as no surprise that
Greenland, the latest collaboration between the two, continues their preference for characters above spectacle. It may not always hold together, but let’s face it: Plenty of Hollywood filmmakers have done a lot worse with more.
John (Butler) and Allison (Baccarin) Garrity are in a vulnerable place. After weathering an unspoken breach of trust, the couple is doing their best to reconcile for the sake of their son (Floyd). And with so much pressure on their marriage, the two barely notice the news updates about Clarke, a newly discovered comet from another solar system. Soon, though, John receives a priority message from the United States government ordering him and his family to an underground bunker. It isn’t long before the entire world learns the truth: a planet-killing comet strike is headed our way, and the Garritys have less than 48 hours to make it to their shelter.