Since 2019, the Green Party of Pennsylvania (GPPA, has been on record calling for the closing of the Berks County Detention Center. Many people were shocked to learn that Berks had been housing immigrant families (including children) since 2014. They were unaware that family detention and mass deportation as tools of immigration enforcement did not originate with the Trump administration.
As of February 27, there are no more families and children being detained at Berks. HURRAY!!! Unfortunately, Berks County Commissioners are not being very transparent about whether or not their contract with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) will continue. On March 26, Make the Road PA and the Sheller Center for Social Justice at Temple University Law School filed suit against the commissioners demanding that they publicly explain and discuss their negotiations with ICE and share relevant materials with the public. This would not stop Berks County from contracting again with ICE. So the fight continues to end reliance on detention and deportation as tools of immigration enforcement.