Green Fund gives $34m to WASA Adopt A River programme
Caroni River - Jeff K. Mayers
The Planning and Development Ministry's Green Fund Executing Unit has contributed $34 million to WASA’s Adopt a River (AARP) programme.
In a release, the ministry said WASA launched the initiative in 2012 with the aim of monitoring and addressing water pollution in rivers throughout Trinidad and Tobago. In order to increase its success, WASA has partnered with communities close to rivers of interest, to develop a sense of ownership and pride among the community for their watershed and wetlands.
The first phase of the AARP was initiated in 2012 in the Guanapo watershed. After a watershed assessment, WASA facilitated the formation of a community group, the Guanapo Community Environmental Development Organisation (GCEDO). This group was trained by staff of the Water Resources Agency