Grand opening event this weekend at new MacKenzie-Childs outlet
Updated Apr 30, 11:31 AM;
Posted Apr 30, 11:25 AM
MacKenzie-Childs campus in Aurora.
The MacKenzie-Childs campus will once again welcome guests this spring with a grand opening event at their new home decor outlet store on their Aurora campus.
The grand opening of the outlet store is open to the public and will feature a ribbon cutting at 10 a.m. on May 1. There will also be bagpipes and food cart Verno on the Roll present.
This event comes after the Finger Lakes shop had an inventory sale to aid in the transition with the new outlet concept store. The new shopping experience will enable shoppers to ‘treasure hunt’ for one-of-a-kind sample pieces, products that may have minor imperfections, discontinued fan-favorites and more. New inventory will be frequently added to the space.