Posted1/24/2021 6:00 AM
This is Good News Sunday, a compilation of some of the more upbeat and inspiring stories published by the Daily Herald during the previous week:
Through five days of searching for their dog, Jennifer and Rich English saw their emotions swing an unbearable number of times between hope and hopelessness.
Miraculously, though, Daisy is back home, thanks to community members who saw her on a road and the police and fire personnel who freed her when she became stuck inside a culvert pipe.
"I felt like I had an anvil taken off my chest," Rich English said.
After exhausting nearly every available avenue to find their 15-month-old Labrador retriever -- and exhausting themselves in the process -- the Sleepy Hollow couple finally got the news Sunday afternoon they'd almost given up on hearing: Daisy was spotted after bolting several days earlier.