AARP is calling on the RI Senate to make adjustments to proposed TCI expansion.
AARP Rhode Island is calling on the Rhode Island Senate to take action to allow minimum-wage and low-income workers to "benefit more practically" from Temporary Caregiver Insurance (TCI) -- the state’s paid family leave program that supports family caregivers.
AARP RI says it supports Senate Bill 688, which would extend coverage to eight weeks.
"However, Rhode Islanders in lower-paying jobs simply cannot makes ends meet on the current benefit of 60% of their wages," says AARP. "AARP Rhode Island encourages a compromise with bill S436 that would increase the benefit rate from the current 60% of wages to 90% in 2022 for those earning minimum wage and to 75% in 2022 for those earning twice the minimum wage."GET THE LATEST BREAKING NEWS HERE -- SIGN UP FOR GOLOCAL FREE DAILY EBLAST