Bishop Thomas Tobin
The Diocese of Providence has announced that it is merging three parishes in Warwick.
"Due to a steady decline in the number of parishioners and sacramental activity; given the sharp decrease in the number of priests available for parish assignments," Bishop Thomas J. Tobin announced he has approved that St. Catherine and St. Francis of Assisi parishes be merged canonically into SS. Rose and Clement Parish, effective July 1, 2021.
The Diocese announced Monday that, as of June 30, 2021. Father Pierre Plante will retire as pastor of St. Catherine and St. Francis of Assisi parishes, and believes that merging his two congregations and their resources into SS. Rose and Clement Parish will serve to strengthen the overall Catholic presence in Warwick."GET THE LATEST BREAKING NEWS HERE -- SIGN UP FOR GOLOCAL FREE DAILY EBLAST