Health Care Access and Improvement
Elimination of $500,000 for start-up funding for FQHCs.
Addition of $500,000 in start-up grants for FQHCs in Jeff Davis and Marion counties.
Healthcare Facility Regulation
Addition of $7,454,466 to support strategic measures for stabilizing staffing in the nursing home program.
Medicaid - Aged, Blind, and Disabled
Reduction of $74,646,745 in State funds to reflect savings from the temporary FMAP increase through September 30, 2021.
Addition of $25,328,540 to provide a 10% rate increase for home and community-based service providers.
Addition of $11,932,550 to provide a 2% rate increase for skilled nursing centers.
Addition of $3,470,204 for skilled nursing centers to update the general and professional liability, property insurance, and property tax pass-through rate components to current costs.