What do you get when you combine a Glock and a .45 round?
45 Auto, also known as 45 ACP is a beefy cartridge developed in 1905 by John Moses Browning. Glock has a new take on that cartridge, melding a relatively modern design with the 115-year-old round. Does Glock have a viable platform for the 45 auto, or are the old ways truly better. Let's take a deep look in my review of the Glock 21.
The accuracy of a weapon is almost always its greatest strength and the Glock 21 is a straight shooter through and through. The hits always felt tight and landed where I was aiming with little to no deviation. Glock is known for its unique but solid builds. They’re reliable and will work just as advertised (we don’t need to talk about the .22 Glock). This build quality is apparent when shooting for accuracy.