Give A Christmas reaches goal, aims higher
James Boyle
It would not be the holiday season without some kind of miracle, and that’s what may have happened this week when the Give A Christmas fundraiser reached its $120,000 target more than a week before Christmas.
That’s the earliest the goal has been met in quite some time, according to Mary Berman, volunteer with the Levittown-Bristol Kiwanis Club and one of the organizers of the campaign.
“This year is definitely unique,” Berman said. “The Kiwanis group is very excited to realize how many we can reach in the community.”
The Levittown-Bristol Kiwanis Club partners each year with the Bucks County Courier Times to raise money for the Give A Christmas fundraiser. Money is then dispersed to struggling families looking to have a bright holiday. Families submit applications that are reviewed by Kiwanis Club volunteers and, if eligible, receive $25 vouchers that can be redeemed at participating area grocery and department stores.