Girl Scouts hosted their Gold Awards Ceremony on Sunday, meet the recipients
Photo Courtesy Girl Scouts of Northern Indiana-Michiana
GOSHEN, Ind. – Girl Scouts of Northern Indiana-Michiana were able to host their Gold Awards at Goshen College on Sunday.
Earning a Gold Award is the highest achievement for a Girl Scout. It recognizes girls who demonstrate leadership through Take Action projects that serve the community.
Because of COVID-19, the Gold Awards were cancelled last year. This means that at this year’s award ceremony, recipients from the late 2019, 2020, and 2021 were recognized.
Girl Scouts who were honored include:
• Taylor Andresen – Goshen, Ind. Taylor designed a custom letter jacket to build awareness of Girl Scout programming for high school age girls and as a recruitment tool for older girls. Her own letter jacket featured her highest awards and chevrons for every program level she completed.