Girl Scout cookie season kicks off on Feb. 12
Special to The News
WICHITA — On Feb. 12, Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland kicks off the 2021 Girl Scout Cookie season, during a challenging time when many Girl Scouts are selling in creative, socially distant, and contact-free ways to keep themselves and their customers safe.
This year, Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland will offer the new Toast-Yay!™ cookie, a French toast–inspired cookie dipped in delicious icing and full of flavor in every bite. Toast-Yay! gives consumers a new way to celebrate moments of joy alongside other favorites, like Thin Mints® and Caramel deLites®. And though social distancing measures may keep families and friends apart, cookie customers can share joy and stay connected this season through a gift-box option that ships directly to others via the Digital Cookie platform.