Giannis Antetokounmpo Saddened to Learn Bucks Beat Writer Got New Job
Giannis Antetokounmpo | Jonathan Daniel/Getty Images
The relationship between beat writer and players is a very unique one that most of the world will never truly understand. I certainly do not. Both of their livelihoods are connected in a manner unlike any other in most areas of employment. Win or lose, the writers are there to ask questions. Win or lose, the players have to answer those questions. Every single day, without fail.
Such interaction builds relationships and sometimes gives us memorable moments, although why it is memorable varies greatly. Sometimes players take major issue with how a certain writer portrayed a certain event and lets them know it. Sometimes a coach like Doc Rivers can't believe he's getting asked questions by a reporter from bed and jokingly says so. Sometimes, superstars are legitimately saddened to hear a reporter is off the beat.