Ghost of Tsushima Makes Unexpected Cameo During Game Show
Ghost of Tsushima to nail a question. During an episode of The Chase, a UK program, the topic of Japanese history came up. @Kazniaz managed to capture this triumphant moment on Twitter. The presenter asked “The term 'kamikaze' or 'divine wind' comes from the typhoon that saved Japan from invasion in 1281 by which ruler?" From there, there were three choices to pick from: Kublai Khan, Tamburlaine, and Ivan the Terrible. Luckily, the contestant had just played Jin Sakai’s adventure and used some of that knowledge to his advantage. Kublai Khan ended up being right. (Luckily for the player, that’s one of the elements that rings more true from the narrative, because there are some artistic liberties taken with history and the actual island the map is based upon.) Check out the clip below for yourself.