Morgan Angelique Owens, Beauty Influencer @morganangeliqueowens on IG.
Want to know how you can wake up and glow? Here’s a little beauty tip that I’ve learned lately that has helped my face glow, especially during the winter months. I’ve fallen in love with Hollywood Beauty® Products, Jojoba Oil. Did someone say, “winter rescue for your face”? Now, I know what you are thinking – that is for your hair. Yes, it is, but it is also safe and effective for your skin (best kept secret). It is an amazing multi use product for your skin and hair!
Jojoba oil has a variety of healing properties that may make it effective in treating skin conditions like acne, eczema, and psoriasis. You can enjoy its benefits by using it as a cleanser, moisturizer, or spot treatment. I like to incorporate Hollywood Beauty®Jojoba oil in my nighttime routine, but this can work when you wake up, too.