SUN CSN would like to invite you to join our upcoming webinar to hear directly from our Civil Society Alliances in Viet Nam, Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and Tanzania on their gender-transformative good practices: SUN People’s Forum, SUN Civil Society Alliance Sri Lanka: will discuss their interventions for promoting breastfeeding, precisely the awareness and training programmes on child feeding practices they implemented. Plateforme HINA, Madagascar: will present their “Women Leaders for Development Project”, which supports women and young girls to access decision-making bodies in the regions of South Madagascar. PANITA, SUN Civil Society Alliance in Tanzania: will share the programme, which involves the development of stunting identification charts as a tool for community mobilization to equip wards and villages with information regarding stunting for children under two years of age. The programme was developed with the World Food Programme and piloted in three districts. SUN CSA Viet Nam: will share experiences from a variety of nutritional interventions that were delivered at the district and provincial level, including health check mobile services, the Nutrition Club, Centers of Excellence for Breastfeeding and Human Milk Banks. The panel will be moderated by Dr Tahrat Shahid, a former Director and Challenge Leader for Food Systems and Gender at the Global Challenges Research Fund. Sign up for the webinar here