New York [US], September 22 (ANI/PRNewswire): During United Nations General Assembly week, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation--alongside governments, philanthropies, the private sector, NGOs, and global and community leaders--announced commitments totalling USD 1.27 billion to improve and save millions of lives. The funding will address overlapping global crises that have reversed the progress already made toward achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (Global Goals). The foundation's sixth annual Goalkeepers Report notes that nearly every indicator of the Global Goals is off track at the halfway point for achieving them by 2030. Despite these challenges, the report highlights opportunities to accelerate progress by investing in long-term solutions and innovative approaches to entrenched issues, including poverty, inequality, and climate change. "This week has underscored the urgency of the challenges we face, and the promise of sustainable solutions that save and improve lives," said Mark Suzman, Gates Foundation CEO. "We can get back on track toward the SDGs, but it's going to take a new level of collaboration and investment from every sector. That's why our foundation is significantly stepping up our commitment to help confront crises now and ensure long-term impact across critical determinants of health and development." Today's Goalkeepers event convened global leaders and changemakers to discuss current and future efforts to achieve the Global Goals. Mia Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados; Pedro Sanchez, Prime Minister of Spain; Bill Gates; Melinda French Gates; more than 300 young changemakers; and other emerging and established leaders from around the world participated in the event. "The last time we gathered in person for Goalkeepers, we talked about how the most well-intentioned programs can perpetuate inequities if the communities they want to reach aren't involved in the design," said Co-chair Melinda French Gates. "A lot has changed since 2019, but one thing hasn't: We won't make progress toward the Global Goals unless those with lived experiences have a seat at the table. I'm proud of our Goalkeepers Award winners and the many partners from all corners of the world who are working to develop this next generation of leaders." Also today, at the Global Fund Replenishment Conference, governments and the private sector joined together to pledge a record-high level of commitment that will advance the goal of achieving good health and well-being for all. The funding will go toward the Global Fund's goal of saving 20 million more lives from HIV, TB, and malaria; building more resilient health systems to prevent future pandemics; and putting the world back on track to end these diseases by 2030. Today's pledge includes the foundation's largest commitment yet to the Global Fund of $912 million. "We see the greatest progress when governments, the private sector, and local communities collaborate in global health programs," said Bill Gates, co-chair. "The commitment this week to combat preventable diseases and save millions more lives through the Global Fund replenishment is a great step forward in getting back on track to reach the Sustainable Development Goals." Accelerating Progress Toward Global Goals The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation announced the following commitments this week: - USD 912 million pledge to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria This is the foundation's largest commitment yet to the Global Fund. Since 2002, health programs supported by the Global Fund partnership have saved 50 million lives. This funding will help accelerate efforts to end HIV, TB, and malaria by 2030 and build resilient health systems needed to protect against future pandemics. It also will be instrumental in reducing the disproportionate impact of these diseases on women and girls. - USD 100 million to help alleviate the food crisis disproportionately impacting communities in Africa and South Asia and address its underlying causes This funding will go to: - The Global Agriculture and Food Security Program (GAFSP) to support national governments in rebuilding resilient, sustainable local food systems - The African Fertilizer and Agribusiness Partnership (AFAP) to make fertilizers affordable and accessible for smallholder farmers - The CGIAR's Nigeria-based International Institute of Tropical Agriculture research center to accelerate work that is already supplying farmers with improved and new varieties of crops, such as beans high in iron; sweet potatoes naturally rich in vitamin A; and naturally hardy cassava, millet, and sorghum - Working with partners to supply sustainable feed and fodder to African families that depend on livestock as a critical source of income and nutrient-dense food - Working with partners to strengthen local food systems by empowering women farmers with the tools and resources they need to succeed and support their communities In addition, the foundation will double its previous commitment to the Child Nutrition Fund--from USD 10 million to USD 20 million. Our investment will support the fund's expansion beyond ready-to-use therapeutic food to include preventative nutrition products for both women and children. - USD 200 million to expand global Digital Public Infrastructure This funding will help expand infrastructure that low- and middle-income countries can use to become more resilient to crises such as food shortages, public health threats, and climate change, as well as to aid in pandemic and economic recovery. This infrastructure encompasses tools such as interoperable payment systems, digital ID, data-sharing systems, and civil registry databases. - USD 50 million to Partners in Health Scholarship Fund to attend the University of Global Health Equity (UGHE) in Rwanda This commitment will help catalyze efforts to raise USD 200 million. The scholarship fund will support students, 75 per cent of whom are women, to attend UGHE and help accelerate efforts to increase the number of health care workers in Rwanda and around the world. Celebrating Global Goalkeepers In recognition of the remarkable work of world leaders to advance the Global Goals, the foundation also announced the winners of its 2022 Goalkeepers Global Goals Awards on September 20. - Progress Award - Dr. Radhika Batra, co-founder of the nonprofit organization Every Infant Matters, which provides last-mile health solutions to disadvantaged children in India - Changemaker Award - Zahra Joya, a journalist from Afghanistan who founded and self-funded Rukhshana Media, an online news agency focused exclusively on covering issues that affect the women of Afghanistan - Campaign Award - Vanessa Nakate, a climate justice activist from Uganda and founder of the Africa-based Rise Up Movement and the Green Schools Project - Global Goalkeeper Award - Ursula von der Leyen, president of the European Commission Note to editors Media inquiries should be directed to Goalkeepers Report 2022 Guided by the belief that every life has equal value, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to help all people lead healthy, productive lives. In developing countries, it focuses on improving people's health and giving them the chance to lift themselves out of hunger and extreme poverty. In the United States, it seeks to ensure that all people--especially those with the fewest resources--have access to the opportunities they need to succeed in school and life. Based in Seattle, Washington, the foundation is led by CEO Mark Suzman, under the direction of Co-chairs Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates and the board of trustees. Goalkeepers is the foundation's campaign to accelerate progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (or Global Goals). Goalkeepers publishes an annual report alongside hosting an event, facilitating a yearly awards program, and convening a global community of collaborative and diverse changemakers who believe that progress is possible, but not inevitable. On September 2

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New York ,United States ,Spain ,Afghanistan ,India ,Rwanda ,Washington ,Uganda ,Barbados ,Seattle ,Mia Mottley ,Vanessa Nakate ,Mark Suzman ,Pedro Sanchez ,Bill Gates ,Radhika Batra ,Zahra Joya ,Un Sustainable Development Goals Global ,Agribusiness Partnership ,Melinda Gates Foundation ,Global Fund To Fight ,Campaign Award ,Global Fund Replenishment Conference ,Global Fund ,University Of Global Health Equity ,Sustainable Development Goals ,Partners In Health Scholarship Fund ,European Commission ,United Nations ,Rise Up Movement ,International Institute Of Tropical Agriculture ,Sustainable Development Goals Or Global ,Food Security Program ,Gates Foundation ,During United Nations General Assembly ,Melinda Gates Foundation Alongside ,Development Goals ,Global Goals ,Goalkeepers Report ,Prime Minister ,Melinda French Gates ,Co Chair Melinda French ,Goalkeepers Award ,South Asia ,Global Agriculture ,African Fertilizer ,International Institute ,Tropical Agriculture ,Child Nutrition Fund From ,Digital Public ,Health Scholarship Fund ,Global Health Equity ,Global Goals Awards ,Every Infant Matters ,Rukhshana Media ,Africa Based Rise Up Movement ,Green Schools ,Goalkeeper Award ,Co Chairs Bill Gates ,New York Us ,Eptember 22 Ani Prnewswire During United Nations General Assembly Week ,He Bill Amp Melinda Gates Foundation Alongside Governments ,Fphilanthropies ,The Private Sector ,Ngos ,Nd Global And Community Leaders Announced Commitments Totalling Usd 1 27 Billion To Improve Save Millions Of Lives The Funding Will Address Overlapping Crises That Have Reversed Progress Already Made Toward Achieving Un Sustainable Development Goals Foundation 39s Sixth Annual Goalkeepers Report Notes Nearly Every Indicator Is Off Track At Halfway Point For Them By 2030 Despite These Challenges ,He Report Highlights Opportunities To Accelerate Progress By Investing In Long Term Solutions And Innovative Approaches Entrenched Issues ,Including Poverty ,Inequality ,Nd Climate Change Quot This Week Has Underscored The Urgency Of Challenges We Face ,Nd The Promise Of Sustainable Solutions That Save And Improve Lives ,Uot Said Mark Suzman ,Ates Foundation Ceo Quot We Can Get Back On Track Toward The Sdgs ,Ut It 39s Going To Takea New Level Of Collaboration And Investment From Every Sector That Why Our Foundation Is Significantly Stepping Up Commitment Help Confront Crises Now Ensure Long Term Impact Across Critical Determinants Health Development Quot Today Goalkeepers Event Convened Global Leaders Changemakers Discuss Current Future Efforts Achieve The Goals Mia Mottley ,Rime Minister Of Barbados Pedro Sanchez ,Rime Minister Of Spain Bill Gates Melinda French More Than 300 Young Changemakers And Other Emerging Established Leaders From Around The World Participated In Event Quot Last Time We Gathered Person For Goalkeepers ,E Talked About How The Most Well Intentioned Programs Can Perpetuate Inequities If Communities They Want To Reach Aren 39t Involved In Design ,Uot Said Co Chair Melinda French Gates Quota Lot Has Changed Since 2019 ,Ut One Thing Hasn 39t We Won Make Progress Toward The Global Goals Unless Those With Lived Experiences Havea Seat At Tablei 39m Proud Of Our Goalkeepers Award Winners And Many Partners From All Corners World Who Are Working To Develop This Next Generation Leaders Quot Also Today ,T The Global Fund Replenishment Conference ,Overnments And The Private Sector Joined Together To Pledgea Record High Level Of Commitment That Will Advance Goal Achieving Good Health Well Being For All Funding Go Toward Global Fund 39s Saving 20 Million More Lives From Hiv ,Tb ,Nd Malaria Building More Resilient Health Systems To Prevent Future Pandemics And Putting The World Back On Track End These Diseases By 2030 Today 39s Pledge Includes Foundation Largest Commitment Yet Global Fund Of 912 Million Quot We See Greatest Progress When Governments ,Nd Local Communities Collaborate In Global Health Programs ,Uot Said Bill Gates ,O Chair Quot The Commitment This Week To Combat Preventable Diseases And Save Millions More Lives Through Global Fund Replenishment Isa Great Step Forward In Getting Back On Track Reach Sustainable Development Goals Accelerating Progress Toward Bill Amp Melinda Gates Foundation Announced Following Commitments Usd 912 Million Pledge Fight Aids ,Uberculosis And Malaria This Is The Foundation 39s Largest Commitment Yet To Global Fund Since 2002 ,Ealth Programs Supported By The Global Fund Partnership Have Saved 50 Million Lives This Funding Will Help Accelerate Efforts To End Hiv ,Nd Malaria By 2030 And Build Resilient Health Systems Needed To Protect Against Future Pandemics It Also Will Be Instrumental In Reducing The Disproportionate Impact Of These Diseases On Women Girls Usd 100 Million Help Alleviate Food Crisis Disproportionately Impacting Communities Africa South Asia Address Its Underlying Causes This Funding Go Global Agriculture Security Program Gafsp Support National Governments Rebuilding ,Ustainable Local Food Systems The African Fertilizer And Agribusiness Partnership Afap To Make Fertilizers Affordable Accessible For Smallholder Farmers Cgiar 39s Nigeria Based International Institute Of Tropical Agriculture Research Center Accelerate Work That Is Already Supplying With Improved New Varieties Crops ,Uch As Beans High In Iron Sweet Potatoes Naturally Rich Vitamina And Hardy Cassava ,Fillet ,Nd Sorghum Working With Partners To Supply Sustainable Feed And Fodder African Families That Depend On Livestock Asa Critical Source Of Income Nutrient Dense Food Strengthen Local Systems By Empowering Women Farmers The Tools Resources They Need Succeed Support Their Communities In Addition ,He Foundation Will Double Its Previous Commitment To The Child Nutrition Fund From Usd 10 Million 20 Our Investment Support 39s Expansion Beyond Ready Use Therapeutic Food Include Preventative Products For Both Women And Children 200 Expand Global Digital Public Infrastructure This Funding Help That Low Middle Income Countries Can Become More Resilient Crises Such As Shortages ,Public Health Threats ,And Climate Change ,S Well As To Aid In Pandemic And Economic Recovery This Infrastructure Encompasses Tools Such Interoperable Payment Systems ,Digital Id ,Data Sharing Systems ,Nd Civil Registry Databases Usd 50 Million To Partners In Health Scholarship Fund Attend The University Of Global Equity Ughe Rwanda This Commitment Will Help Catalyze Efforts Raise 200 Support Students ,5 Per Cent Of Whom Are Women ,O Attend Ughe And Help Accelerate Efforts To Increase The Number Of Health Care Workers In Rwanda Around World Celebrating Global Goalkeepers Recognition Remarkable Work Leaders Advance Goals ,He Foundation Also Announced The Winners Of Its 2022 Goalkeepers Global Goals Awards On September 20 Progress Award Dr Radhika Batra ,O Founder Of The Nonprofit Organization Every Infant Matters ,Hich Provides Last Mile Health Solutions To Disadvantaged Children In India Changemaker Award Zahra Joya ,A Journalist From Afghanistan Who Founded And Self Funded Rukhshana Media ,N Online News Agency Focused Exclusively On Covering Issues That Affect The Women Of Afghanistan Campaign Award Vanessa Nakate ,A Climate Justice Activist From Uganda And Founder Of The Africa Based Rise Up Movement Green Schools Project Global Goalkeeper Award Ursula Von Der Leyen ,Resident Of The European Commission Note To Editors Media Inquiries Should Be Directed Gatesfoundation Org Goalkeepers Report 2022 Guided By Belief That Every Life Has Equal Value ,He Bill Amp Melinda Gates Foundation Works To Help All People Lead Healthy ,Roductive Lives In Developing Countries ,T Focuses On Improving People 39s Health And Giving Them The Chance To Lift Themselves Out Of Hunger Extreme Poverty In United States ,T Seeks To Ensure That All People Especially Those With The Fewest Resources Have Access Opportunities They Need Succeed In School And Life Based Seattle ,He Foundation Is Led By Ceo Mark Suzman ,Nder The Direction Of Co Chairs Bill Gates And Melinda French Board Trustees Goalkeepers Is Foundation 39s Campaign To Accelerate Progress Toward Sustainable Development Goals Or Global Publishes An Annual Report Alongside Hosting Event ,Acilitatinga Yearly Awards Program ,Nd Conveninga Global Community Of Collaborative And Diverse Changemakers Who Believe That Progress Is Possible ,Ut Not Inevitable On September 2 ,

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