March 08, 2021
A 3-dimensional volume rendered image of a cardiac CTA scan (left). Coronary arteries from CTA with atherosclerosis in the coronary tree via a color overlay (right). Photo credit: Andrew Choi.
Coronary computed tomography angiography (CTA) can safely negate the need for further testing in about three-quarters of patients with new-onset chest pain, according to a new UK-based analysis. Nonetheless, invasive procedures are still overused in a subset of patients, with half of the patients referred for additional invasive imaging not undergoing revascularization, according to the researchers.
In the United Kingdom, the 2016 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines made CTA a first-line test for the evaluation of stable chest pain, as did the European guidelines in 2019. CTA doesn’t have the same support in current US guidance, but proponents of the test in this setting are optimistic that may change in guidelines due out later this spring.