Over the past year or so, we’ve seen Twitter introduce new features and changes as a means to evolve the way users interact with the platform. This includes Super Follows, Spaces, Fleets (RIP), and more. The social media company announced a new feature coming to Twitter titled Shop Module. This will allow users to purchase items and merchandise directly from an account. When the feature begins to roll out, video game retailer GameStop will be among the first pilot testers.
Twitter announced its new Shop Module feature in a post from the Twitter Support account. Set to start rolling out soon, Shop Module will allow users to buy items directly from the Twitter app. In the image provided, we see a mockup of what the Shop Module interface will look like, with item and price listings placed right under the follower and following counts on a profile. One of the two profiles shown is none other than everybody’s favorite video game retailer and meme stock, GameStop.