Galesburg Police is investigating after a work vehicle owned by the Galesburg School District was stolen. GPD responded to the 2100 block of Windish Drive last Thursday, October 7th. The district keeps a white 1998 Ford box truck - similar to a UHaul truck, parked near the storage units on Windish Drive. School employees told police the truck was parked there around 11:00 am on Thursday - an employee had left the keys inside the unlocked vehicle. Police viewed the security video provided by the Knox County Humane Society. In the footage, officers observed a white male suspect between 30 and 40 years old walk around the vehicle, peer inside the windows and the bed, and then around 12:15 pm, the vehicle is seeing being driven away. The Ford van is white with a District 205 sticker on the doors. Employees told police nothing of value was inside the van since the district recently purchased a newer work truck. The investigation is ongoing.