Dean De Benedictis - Salvaging the Past - Spotted Peccary Music
Desensitized - Hemispherica Portalis - Spotted Peccary
Fringo Chills - ...Cooled - SynGate/Luna
Ian Boddy - Axiom - DiN
Jim Ottaway - When Eternity Touches Time - none
Juta Takahashi - Music for Urban Promenades II - Lunisolar
Michael Brückner and Detlev Everling - Reiseziel Mond - SynGate/Wave
Mythos - Berliner Schule Sequencing - Cargo
Philippe Petit - A Modern Atlantis Under a Wave of Greed - TruthTable
Rapoon - Call Fires to Cloud - Winter-Light
Ron Boots and - BorkHavn - Groove Unlimited