Sun, May 2nd 2021 12:00pm —
Leigh Beadon
This week, our first place winner on the insightful side is CSMcDonald, who raised a specific issue with Marco Rubio's comparison of speech he doesn't like to pollution:
As a FL resident....
I would just like to single out this sentence as being particularly amusing given the state of the environment in Florida:
"No policymaker would allow a company to dump toxic waste into a river upstream of a thriving town he is charged with governing."
Hi Marco, are you familiar with the red tides and algae blooms caused by runoffs from the farming industry into Lake Okeechobee and then flowing down the rivers to flow into the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean causing havoc to the various water based businesses in the towns that rely on them?

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Bradenton ,Florida ,United States ,Atlantic Ocean ,Marco Rubio ,Blakec Stacey ,Leigh Beadon ,Newegg ,Techdirt Team ,Disney ,Lake Okeechobee ,That One Guy ,Senator Bill Hagerty ,Senator Hagerty ,Bill Hagerty ,Techdirt Greenhouse , ,பிராடென்டன் ,புளோரிடா ,ஒன்றுபட்டது மாநிலங்களில் ,அட்லாண்டிக் கடல் ,மார்கோ ரூபியோ ,லே பீடன் ,டிஸ்னி ,ஏரி ஓகீசொபீ ,அந்த ஒன்று பையன் ,செனட்டர் ர சி து ாகேர்த்தி ,செனட்டர் ாகேர்த்தி ,ர சி து ாகேர்த்தி ,

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