Funding secured for phase I of the Houma Navigation Canal Lock Complex
February 10, 2021,
posted by
Zlatan Hrvacevic
The Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Authority (CPRA) has been awarded $26.7 million to fund the dredging of 1.2 million cubic yards of earthen material to begin construction of a lock complex adjacent to the Bubba Dove Floodgate on the Houma Navigation Canal (HNC).
The grant subrecipient, Terrebonne Levee & Conservation District, will perform the dredging activities.
The grant award comes from the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council (RESTORE Council). The Council previously awarded CPRA $18.5 million for engineering and design of the project. The State has allocated $366 million in RESTORE Act Spill Impact Component funds to this project over a 15-year period.