Karan Johar hosted a birthday party for his kids Yash and Roohi Johar. Kareena Kapoor Khan with son Taimur Ali Khan, Neha Dhupia and Angad Bedi with daughter Mehr and Tusshar Kapoor with son Laksshya Kapoor and several others attended the party. Karan Johar shared a candid picture with bestie and mom-to-be Kareena. He wrote, "Pop!!! And ready to Pop!!” Karan Johar welcomed Yash and Roohi on February 07, 2017 via surrogacy. Protective Karan Johar once replied to a troll, "With all due respect, get a life. There are larger issues the country is combating at the moment and it can well do without your narrow-mindedness! My babies are being loved and that's all that matters and FYI they have a mother! My mother (sic)." Talking about fatherhood, Karan said, “I think it’s changed me in more ways than I can actually explain. I can’t believe that I have people who call me ‘Dadda’…who kind of say ‘don’t go’ when I am leaving the room and who kind of come and just need me to hug them." He added, “I’ve never felt that before. I’ve never been in a really serious relationship. So, this kind of love, it just hits me really hard. I don’t think I’ve been loved in that kind of pure innocent way ever. Like you know there has been love from friendships and love from parents and members of my family but I haven’t seen this pure unadulterated love." Fun-filled pictures from Yash and Roohi Johar’s birthday celebration Photogallery at ETimes