By Colin A. Young, State House News Service
May 19, 2021
Colin A. Young, State House News Service
Never mind Aug. 1. The Saturday of Memorial Day weekend — May 29 — is the new target date for the end of nearly all remaining Covid-19 restrictions in Massachusetts.
By that date, which is more than two months ahead of the schedule announced less than three weeks ago, Massachusetts intends to lift its pandemic restrictions, though masks will still be required in certain settings like transportation, in schools, and at health care facilities.
Additionally, the state of emergency that has been in place since March 10, 2020 will be lifted on June 15, Gov. Baker announced late Monday morning. At a later press conference, Boston Mayor Kim Janey— said that Boston would follow suit and line up with the statewide schedule since Boston’s COVID-19 trends “continue to move in the right direction.”