Florida State University News
FSU recognizes five with Torch Awards for furthering university’s academic excellence
May 26, 2021 | 5:05 pm | SHARE:
From left to right: Janet Kistner, vice president for faculty development and advancement, Doby Flowers, Paula Peters Smith, Bill Godfrey Smith, John Thrasher, Fred Flowers, Dorothy Jenkins and her husband Charles Jenkins.
Florida State University’s Faculty Senate honored five members of the university community May 24 with the Torch Award for their contributions to furthering academic excellence at FSU.
FSU President John Thrasher commended the winners and their devotion to the university during Monday’s event.
“As a past recipient of a Torch Award, I know how special it is to be honored by the faculty in this way, and these individuals could not be more deserving,” he said. “They have donated their time, talent and treasure because they believe strongly in our mission and because they care deeply about our faculty, staff and students.