PESHAWAR: Political parleys between Pakistan Muslim League (Qayyum Group) and Pakistan Democratic Party, spreading over four days aimed at “getting together” to safeguard the ideological frontiers of Pakistan, are reported to have ended with an “identity of views”. The talks were held mainly between Khan Abdul Qayyum Khan, President QML, and Nawabzada Nasrullah Khan, President of West Pakistan PDP. — Agencies
[Meanwhile, as reported by agencies in Dacca,] About 90,000 Pakistani nationals have by now returned to their homes from across the border through recognised and unrecognised routes despite obstructions created by Indian authorities. According to official sources, among the arrivals, 72,000 have come through unrecognised routes and 18,000 through reception centres in the bordering districts. The non-Muslims returnees total 36,000 and most of them crossed over into Sylhet district.