What was printed on this day 10, 25, 50 and 100 years ago.
Written By:
Pioneer Staff Report |
11:19 am, May 26, 2021
10 years ago
May 26, 2011 -- Local potter Tom Daly spent eight weeks teaching members at the Boys and Girls Club of the Bemidji Area how to make pottery. Participants learned how to roll, form and hand-build clay pieces using a variety of tools and methods. Each member also got to glaze his or her own piece of art. The activity was funded by a Region 2 Arts Council grant.
25 years ago
May 26, 1996 -- With dams wide open, high water levels are beginning to taper off on the upper Mississippi lakes chain. But, saturated bogs and soils following a wet autumn and heavier than normal moisture content of the snow that has melted have created a situation where a hard rain in the Headwaters area now could mean flooding troubles.