From the Archives (May 10, 1921): The other side
May 10, 2021 00:15 IST
May 10, 2021 00:15 IST
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The panic among a certain section of the people at Allahabad which Pandit Motilal Nehru has found it necessary to allay by a reassuring letter to the Press shows at once the extent of the hold that the Non-Co-operation movement the misleading Leader not withstanding, has over the public, and the erroneous ideas about Non-Co-operation which have been sedulously propagated by hostile critics. It is the aim of this vile propaganda to discredit the movement by exaggerating the sporadic outbreaks which are due less to Non-Co-operation propaganda perhaps than to the accumulation of unaddressed wrongs dating for years. Even if the Malegaon outbreak, for instance, be due to Non-Co-operation, it is only an exception which proves the rule that the movement is one which essentially makes for peace and non-violence. That it inculcates ideas of ordered and disciplined non-violent conduct in the face of grave and humiliating provocations must now be admitted by all impartial critics.