From the Archives (January 27, 1921): Church to be sold
January 27, 2021 00:15 IST
January 27, 2021 00:15 IST
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A public meeting of the members of the combined parishes of San Thome and Good Shepherd was held yesterday evening in the Sullivan’s Garden School, Teynampet, under the presidency of Mr. M.D. Devadoss, Barrister-at-Law, to protest against the sale of the Sam Thome Tamil Church and the Parsonage. The meeting was numerously attended.
The Chairman in opening the meeting said that for some time past owing to the difficulty of raising money in the mother countries, the British and the American Missions had been cutting down their grants to the Indian Churches, as a result of which the Madras District Council had arrived at the decision to sell the Santhome Church and the Parsonage, which were in more or less dilapidated condition, and the Mission expressed inability to repair them. He knew that to sell away the Church was a most repugnant thing. He was also aware of the difficulty apart from sentiment they were asked to worship in the English Church. He then asked them to suggest means to tide over the difficulty.