From the Archives, 1931: Scouts welcome Baden-Powells to Sydney
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From the Archives, 1931: Scouts welcome Baden-Powells to Sydney
90 years ago, the founders of the Scouting movement, Lord and Lady Baden-Powell, sailed into Sydney to a huge welcome from local Scouts, Cubs and Girl Guides.
By Staff reporters
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Lord Baden-Powell, the world Chief Scout, has arrived in Sydney.
Founder of the Boy Scouts movement Lord Baden Powell with a group of young scouts, New South Wales, 1931
Credit:Staff photographer
The hero of Mafeking, veteran of numerous military campaigns, the founder of the Scout movement, whose name is a household word throughout the world, greeted his Australian admirers with a cheery smile, from the deck of the Marama early yesterday morning. Despite his advanced years - he is 75 years of age - Lord Baden-Powell displayed remarkable activity, and his intense and kindly interest in every individual with whom he came in contact immediately endeared him to the few privileged Scouts who were introduced to him on the boat.