Actor Karan Deol and his ladylove Drisha Acharya, who tied the knot during a day wedding on June 18, hosted a star-studded reception for their industry friends and family members in the evening. The grand party was held at Mumbai's Taj Lands End. Several tinsel town celebrities marked their presence at the reception. The newlywed couple looked beautiful together as they both posed happily for the paparazzi before entering the party venue. Drisha looked stunning in a floor-length embellished gown for the special occasion. She paired her outfit with diamond jewellery, opted for neutral-toned makeup and had her hair loose. On the other hand, Karan wore a blingy black tuxedo, which made him appear dashing. Sunny Deol was seen distributing sweets at his son's reception. Apart from the Deol family, stars like Salman Khan, Aamir Khan, Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, Anupam Kher, Shatrughan Sinha, Suniel Shetty, Jackie Shroff, Raj Babbar, Poonam Dhillon, Sonu Nigar, Kapil Sharma and many others were spotted at the do. Several inside pictures and videos from the party are going viral on social media. Karan Deol tied the knot with his longtime girlfriend Drisha Acharya, which was attended by their family members and close friends. Sharing the first official wedding pictures of the newlyweds, actor Sunny Deol wrote on Instagram, "Today I gained a beautiful daughter.Bless you my Bachas. God Bless!” Karan and Drisha have been in a relationship for a long time now. From Salman Khan-Aamir Khan to Ranveer Singh-Deepika Padukone, stars galore at Karan Deol and Drisha Acharya’s wedding reception Photogallery at ETimes

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